About us
With Reagil S.A. we accumulated 25 years experience of our team with MasterCard and VISA projects implementation for banks and financial institutions around the world.
From the beginning of nineties of the IX we work under the Third Party processing center creation, Banks-principal members of the MasterCard and VISA payment system licensing, ATM and POS networks organization and processing.
In 1989 we start our history with a CardCenter MasterCard/ Europay Int. MSP creation in Moscow, with a first international MasterCard card issuing in post URSS territory.
In 1994 we established first ATM network and connected first POS terminal in the Russian Federation.
Since 1994 we processed more than 50 banks – principal members of VISA and MasterCard, like ABN AMRO AO, Dresdner bank AO, GarantiBank AO, Sberbank of Russia, URALSIB Bank, Promsvyazbank and other banks and financial institutions in Russia, Europe and Asia.
Since our foundation we were improving our development strategy, changing our brands and trademarks. The basis of the business was a multi banking processing platform, from which the e-commerce platform was born about ten years ago.
Since 2010 we started implementing our solutions with AWS AMAZON PCI DSS certified cloud, decreasing implementation costs for our customers and accelerating the implementation process.